Documentation Updates
Thursday, October 27, 2022
For your convenience, here is a list of all Onboard Systems documentation that has been updated since the last issue of The Hook. This list includes all updates made between July 1, 2022 and October 27, 2022.
For real-time updates, you can register your Onboard Systems cargo hook products and we'll send you a fax and/or email whenever your registered documentation is updated, or if a Service Bulletin is issued.
Owner's Manuals — 120 Prefix
120-084-00 | Rev 35 |
120-104-02 | Rev 38 |
120-132-00 | Typo fix |
Flight Manuals — 121 Prefix
Service Manuals — 122 Prefix
122-005-00 | Rev 35 |
122-015-00 | Rev 32 |
122-017-00 | Rev 28 |
ICA Manuals — 123 Prefix
Service Bulletins — 159 Prefix
Miscellaneous Documents — Other Prefixes
documentationdocument update servicelogMore Articles

Chrome Themes for Your Browser
Exclusive Chrome themes featuring external load mission photos for your browser.

Return for Service Shipping Tips
International "Return for Service" shipments can be tricky. Here are some tips.

Increased Rated Load for TALON 3K Remote Hooks
We've increased the rated load for the TALON 3K Remote Cargo Hook series from 3,000 lb. to 3,300 lb. / 1,500 kg.
External Load Mission Wallpapers
Exclusive desktop wallpapers featuring external load mission photos for your desktop.

Load Cell TBOs
Load cells are not field serviceable and must be returned to the factory for overhaul.

Get the 411 on Surefire Products
Here is a complete reference list of aircraft and cargo hook kits currently featuring Surefire.